free vector clipart 24 flat grin smilies emotion icons emoticons for example for forums

24 flat grin smilies emotion icons emoticons for example for forums
doing this for LÖVE: should be able to replace a phpbb icon set

Tags: media, clip_art, how_i_did_it, public_domain, image, png, svg, flat, grin, smiley, emotion, icon, emoticon, green, forum, icons, smilies, simple, minimalistic, lol, o_o, flat, grin, smiley, emotion, icon, emoticon, green, forum, icons, smilies, simple, minimalistic, lol, o_o

Clipart Details

Downloaded 1726 times
Viewed Total 9766
File Size 49 kb
Uploaded On July, 24 2010
Uploaded By qubodup
(Not Rated Yet)

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